While voter turnout is typically the highest in presidential years, I have found the level of government that most affects our day-to-day lives is the local one. It’s about safe streets, paved roads, property taxes, and so much more that makes a difference in our quality of life. That is why I, along with my running mate Clarissa Nolde, are running for Garwood Council this year.
My career in government and the nonprofit sector has spanned almost 30 years, including the local, county, and state levels. I chose this line of work because I know it makes a difference to people. I get satisfaction by seeing neighborhood problems solved quickly and effectively. To me, excitement happens when street resurfacing projects are completed, police officers are promoted to new ranks, a town employee passes a state exam, or ground is broken on a landscaping project. Want to discuss the municipal budget process, the Open Public Meetings Act, or anything else local government-related? If yes, then let’s meet for coffee!
“While voter turnout is typically the highest in presidential years, I have found the level of government that most affects our day-to-day lives is the local one.”
As a Garwood resident who frequently walks his dog around the Recreation Complex, I reached out to Mayor Sara Todisco and the Green Team and recruited Pet Supplies Plus to install dog waste bag dispensers in the park. In 2019, on behalf of the Borough’s Green Team, I wrote a grant application through Sustainable Jersey that landed Garwood $2,000 to build our first rain garden of native plants at the Recreation Complex that will reduce the amount of stormwater entering the Garwood Brook.
Garwood is part of the 90 square-mile Rahway River watershed and as a former President of the Rahway River Watershed Association, I learned the ups and downs of managing a local environmental group and how decisions right here in our neighborhoods affect communities downstream.
My running mate, Clarissa Nolde, and I look forward to meeting with our neighbors in the coming weeks to discuss and learn about issues they find important. Please help us make a positive difference here in Garwood. Feel free to contact me any time at (908) 248-4743 or Jeff@dems4garwood.com.
Jeff Jotz
Democratic Candidate for Garwood Council