By Jeff Jotz
Good morning, everyone. Election Day is finally here!
The polls open soon, at 6am, and remain open until 8pm tonight.
Clarissa Nolde and I want to thank our supporters and every person in Garwood who took the time to hear us out on the issues and our plans. To our campaign team and the many people who took time from their busy schedules to volunteer for us and help get our message out to Garwood: THANK YOU.
Garwood has heard from the candidates; now it’s time for the voters to speak. Everyone voting today should vote for who they feel will be the best choice to represent our Borough. The most important thing is: TO VOTE. If Clarissa and I have earned your support, you will find us on Column A.
As a reminder, for those voting in person, polling stations for the south side are located either at the Firehouse or the Recreation Complex. The north side votes at the Garwood Library, which is also where anyone with a vote-by-mail ballot can find the secure drop box.
So let’s do it, Garwood, and go vote!
Thank you again,
Jeff Jotz
Democratic Candidate for Council