By Clarissa Nolde & Jeff Jotz
With New Jersey’s new early voting wrapping up yesterday, and Election Day (November 2nd) right around the corner tomorrow, we want to take a moment to talk about why voting in every election is so important! In Garwood, there are two seats up for election on the Borough Council every year. At the County level, there are three seats for County Commissioner up every year. These two positions have much more impact on our day to day lives than the elected officials who serve in Washington!
This year, the entire New Jersey State Legislature and the Governor are also up for election.
While these are all important positions, what matters most is your voice, as a citizen and a member of our community. We believe everyone who can vote, should vote, for these three simple reasons:
- Your Vote Is Your Voice: Elections have consequences, and often are decided by a handful of votes at the local level in a small town like ours. Set some time aside to research each candidate. Then use your voice, and cast your vote for the people who will be the best advocates for Garwood.
- Your Community Is Counting On You: Some people may be thinking “I’m just one person, my vote won’t matter”. Nothing could be further from the truth! In many years, 50% or less of the people eligible to vote do so, especially years without a “big ticket” race going on like the President or Congress. Imagine if even some of that other 50% voted. It could completely change the outcome! Our community needs engaged citizens who show up to vote.
- There Are Many Names and Public Questions on the Ballot: This year, we are not only voting for two new members of our Borough Council, but candidates for the Garwood Board of Education, our representatives in Trenton, the Governor of New Jersey and expressing our approval or disapproval of two important Public Questions! All of these elected positions are important, and demand every citizen to vote for the best person for the job.
We hope you will join us in voting (in fact, Jeff has already voted-by-mail and Clarissa voted early in person this weekend) by November 2nd!
As a reminder, the polls open in Garwood for in-person voting at 6am on Tuesday, and will be open until 8pm! Mail in ballots can be returned to the drop box at the Garwood Library (located on Third Avenue) up until 8pm on Tuesday evening, or placed in the mail so long as they are postmarked on or before 8pm, November 2 and be received by the Union County Board of Elections on or before November 8, 2021.
Garwood deserves the best possible representatives, we hope you’ll agree that’s us! We also hope we have your support to vote for Clarissa Nolde and Jeff Jotz, on the Column A team, new voices for Garwood’s future!
Thank you,

Clarissa Nolde & Jeff Jotz
Democratic Candidates for Garwood Council