By Clarissa Nolde & Jeff Jotz
During a recent conversation on a front porch, a resident asked us what might happen to the other departments in Garwood if the DPW is made the number one department in line for funding. The resident is right to be concerned about how and why departments in town are funded!
The current Council has supported appropriate funding requests from the Garwood Volunteer Fire Department and the Garwood Police Department, as well as the DPW. Funding for each department should be sourced responsibly and distributed equitably. If elected, we will work with the rest of the Council to assure a responsible balance in funding for all municipal departments and services.
Supporting public works is essential. Our DPW performs many crucial functions that keep our town functioning. It is equally essential to evaluate budget requests from all department heads and keep the 5 year capital plans on course for each department, so expensive projects and purchases are budgeted and financed without suddenly increasing the municipal tax burden.
Please remember to vote by Election Day, November 2nd, for Clarissa Nolde and Jeff Jotz on Column A!
Thank you,

Clarissa Nolde & Jeff Jotz
Democratic Candidates for Garwood Council