As candidates for Garwood Borough Council, we know that every dollar we spend matters. If elected, limiting the municipal tax burden while maintaining the quality of the services provided by the town will be a significant priority for both of us. We have been pleased to see the incredible work of the finance committee successfully implement zero-dollar municipal tax increases in two of the last four years.
Notwithstanding, over the last few years, the Council has made essential equipment purchases such as a garbage truck, street sweeper, and ladder fire truck among others as well as completing significant street paving projects throughout the town. Upkeep of our firehouse roof, installation of brand new pedestrian safety equipment, and the complete overhaul of Hartman Park are some of the many of the projects that were funded strategically over the last few years. Many of these projects were funded by grant monies as well as taking advantage of historically low-interest rates that allow us to spread out capital expenses over several years.
“We will put TAXPAYER interests first whenever spending matters are concerned.”
Our opponents claim to have a plan, but they offer no details on how they will “make the DPW building a priority.” How do they plan to pay for a new building? Do they plan to stop funding equipment needs for the DPW and other departments as per the five-year capital plan submitted every year by department heads to the Council? Hastily sticking Garwood property taxpayers with a sudden expense is not the wisest course of action.
The Republicans have also said they plan to “hold” funds for the Board of Education from PILOT agreements. How do they plan to allocate money before the number of school-age children in the new Vermella building is known? In the interest of taxpayers, we believe that we should make such financial decisions once we have accurate data from the Board.
Garwood property taxpayers – like most of New Jersey – can’t afford more expensive promises from politicians. We will put TAXPAYER interests first whenever spending matters are concerned. Being strategic means we will apply for grant money and other funding sources that do not directly hit property taxpayers. Outrageous campaign promises may look good on a flyer, but they are an irresponsible way to govern our Borough.
Finally, modern government demands professionals who can competently get the job done. We will search for the best public servants in Borough Hall who share our vision of a responsive, responsible municipality that looks out for all residents.
We look forward to the opportunity to continue investments in our town while finding every possible way to make sure those dollars are spent wisely and thoughtfully.

Clarissa Nolde & Jeff Jotz
Democratic Candidates for Garwood Council